Tuesday, November 28, 2017

November 2017 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Information -Monthly Meeting

Date: November 16, 2017

Location: Primitive Gatherings, Murrieta, CA          Time: 6:30 PM

Attendees: 12 Members, 7 Guests

Board Members Present: Jan Prytz, Maritza Farr, Colleen Molen, Angelica Jones, Jessica Rittgarn, Susan Long
Board Member Absent:

Meeting Discussion

  1. Jan Prytz, the President, informed the group of the following:
    1. MQG has sent several emails reminding members that they must claim their free four-day pass for QuiltCon 2018 before November 30th. After November 30th, members must pay for day show tickets or four-day passes. Member discounts on workshops and lectures also expire on this date. There are still open seats in several classes - check the MQG site - link in Community. Deadline for entries is also November 30th. Learn how to submit and details at quiltconentry.com
    2. Next meeting is our Christmas Party. It will be at Primitive Gatherings on December 21. Bring finger foods for our "lite" potluck. Jessica will be conducting an ice breaker too. Please bring a mug with a mug rug for a brown bag gift exchange. Gifts will be passed around like last time. Blind swap!
    3. TVMQG has already registered with MQG that we are participating in the QuiltCon Charity Quilt.
    4. Board member elections - two new Board members voted in - Treasurer Madelyn MacRunnel; and Secretary Taylor Darby. Continuing in office are Jan Prytz, President; and Vice-President Jessica Rittgarn. Committee Chairs are Angelica Jone, Social; and Susan Long, Charity Quilts.
  2. Treasurer's Report - General Fund $824.31 and Charity Quilt Fund $106.
  3. QuiltCon Charity Quilt Sew Day - will be December 2 at Colleen's home. Nancy Thomas volunteered to quilt the quilt top once completed. Susan Long volunteered to machine bind the quilt. Colleen will be sending an email approximately one week prior with details for the Sew Day.
  4. Paint Chip Challenge - See rules posted on the TVMQG blog. Members who had not selected paint chips last month were given an opportunity to select paint chips to draw - could pick 2 or 3; can add another color; can add a neutral. Can be prints or solids. Projects can be anything quilted. Projects are due February 2018.
  5. Pincushion Swap - two members participated and exchanged pincushions (Patricia and Jessica).

  1. Raffle Ticket WINNERS -
Fat Quarters - Jessica
Primitive Gatherings Gift Card - Madelynn
Tote and Goodies - Patti

Show and Tell

Attendees sharing items - All beautiful and creative projects shared! The group enjoyed seeing all them too!  See the TVMQG Blog posting for pictures.

  1. Maritza Farr - made two additional blocks for the original magazine photo challenge.
  2. Angelica Jones - shared mug rugs she is making for someone's Christmas presents.
  3. Nancy DiLeva - shared a baby vintage quilt with embroidery, pintucks, lace, etc.
  4. Nancy Thomas - shared a quilt that won second place in the North Dakota Quilt Guild show. Also shared a quilt top completed from a kit - red, white and blue for her daughter who is in the Navy.
  5. Colleen Molen - went to Oregon last weekend to quilt and shared a Cotton + Steel Flying Geese Quilt top.
  6. Jessica Rittgarn - used a pattern from Primitive Gatherings to make a snowman for Christmas wall decor.
  7. Patti Zimmerman - wore a quilted jacket made using a See N Sew pattern and Treasure Hunt fabric from Primitive Gatherings. Also, shared pillow covers and paper pieced triangles. (Jan will send link to the paper pieced triangles blog.)
  8. Susan Long - shared her magazine challenge quilt inspired by a picture of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Picture was from the Costco magazine. Also shared two Christmas wall hangings she did as a pattern tester for Quilt Art. On the latter she used machine applique.
  9. Linda Bretton - she went to the Houston International Quilt Show. She also brought a quilt she made a few years ago - Garden Applique (needle turn).
  10. Bonnie Hallett - shared quilt she made in her Craftsy class.


  1. BOM "Kings Crown" presented by Judy Nielo.  See the TVMQG Blog for the pattern.  
    1. ACTION ITEM: All members and guests are asked to consider completing a block and bring it to the December meeting.
  2. How We Bind - Angelica, Colleen, Maritza and Jan shared how they bind their quilts. Each had a different approach.
  3. Fat Quarter Game - Jan explained the rules and attendees were broken up into two groups. Everyone enjoyed themselves - lots of laughter.  


Upcoming Meeting and BOM presentations and BOM Construction requirements

NOTE:  The block can be made in any fabric color desired, but with a low volume background fabric. The instructions are on the TVMQG Blog. Block needs to be completed to measure 12.5".  

December Meeting  - December 2, 6:30PM at Primitive Gatherings
Maritza - BOM
Christmas Party - bring finger foods

Monday, October 23, 2017

October 2017 Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Information -Monthly Meeting

Date: October 19, 2017

Location: Primitive Gatherings, Murrieta, CA          Time: 6:30 PM

Attendees: 8 Members, 6 Guests

   (Membership now at 20)
Board Members Present: Jan Prytz, Maritza Farr, Colleen Molen, Angelica Jones
Board Member Absent: Jessica Rittgarn, Susan Long

Meeting Discussion

  1. Jan Prytz, the President, informed the group of the following:
    1. By-law changes - no feedback received as to changes needed. If you notice any need for changes, please let Jan know.
    2. The next Board meeting is November 2, 6:30pm at the 8-Bit Brewery.
    3. Our next meeting will be held on November 16th - items to be covered include Election of officers, Fat Quarter Game, BOM by Judy, and How we Bind (Binding Think Tank for all to share their techniques)
    4. Raffle ticket - raffle tickets will be given for attending the meeting, turning in a charity block, and show and tell participation.
    5. Christmas Party will be at Primitive Gatherings on December 21. Bring finger foods. Please bring a mug with a mug rug for a brown bag gift exchange. Gifts will be passed around like last time.
    6. Pincushion Swap will be held at the November meeting. If you wish to participate, make a pincushion to exchange. Place pincushion in a brown paper bag for exchange.  Members who want to participate in the pincushion exchange are Colleen, Natalie, Drew and Jessica.
  2. Colleen Molen, the Treasurer reported on the 2018 Nominations - Madelynn for Treasurer and Taylor Darby for Secretary.
  3. Treasurer's Report - No report this meeting.
  4. Magazine Photo Challenge - members were to use a photograph and interpret it into a quilt. (See TVMQG blog for the pictures)
    1. Jan - used a photo of corn on the cob and cleverly interpreted with beautiful fabrics and colors.
    2. Maritza - was inspired by a painting her cousin posted of African tribal women. She used different fabrics with a tribal flair to interpret the figures.
  5. Paint Chip Challenge - See rules posted on the TVMQG blog. Members were provided with paint chips to draw - could pick 2 or 3; can add another color; can add a neutral. Can be prints or solids. Projects can be anything quilted. Projects are due February 2018.

  1. Raffle Ticket WINNERS -
Decals - Patricia
Maritza - Fabric
Angelica - Fabric Triangles
Linda - Primitive Gatherings gift card

Show and Tell

Attendees sharing items - All beautiful and creative projects shared! The group enjoyed seeing all them too!  See the TVMQG Blog posting for pictures.

  1. Natalie Pollard - used AccuQuilt clam die. Collected fabrics in similar color and used minky for backing, loved by all.
  2. Jane Rowland - saw quilt at QuiltCon and had been waiting for a pattern, so finally decided to create her own. Also pieced a top for a baby quilt.   Both subtle and beautiful quilts.
  3. Linda Bretton - did a one block wonder quilt. Very vibrant and stunning.
  4. Sherry Gilmartin - Very cute purse that she made. They sell their items at the Temecula Fun Days.
  5. Patricia Cooper - made a beautiful Halloween quilt with a fabric panel.
  6. Angelica Jones - made a Halloween quilt for herself with lots of very intricate and beautiful paper piecing.


  1. BOM "Spools" presented by Angelica Jones. She provided information on the BOM rules and how to access the pattern.  See the TVMQG Blog for the pattern.  
    1. ACTION ITEM: All members and guests are asked to consider completing a block and bring it to the November meeting.
  2. Linda Bretton demonstrated how to make the One Block Wonder - which was very intriguing. Linda explained fabric selection and repeat designs, pros and cons with different fabrics due to number of colors or pattern, need four to five yards of the fabric to be used for your quilt. She uses a 60 degree sharp pointed ruler. Do NOT prewash your fabrics because when you layer the fabric for cutting designs must perfectly align. Suggested book - One Block Wonders.

Upcoming Meeting Dates/Information

NOTE: The next meeting is at Primitive Gatherings, Murrieta, November 16th at 6:30 pm




Upcoming Meeting and BOM presentations and BOM Construction requirements

NOTE:  The block can be made in any fabric color desired, but with a low volume background fabric. The instructions are on the TVMQG Blog. Block needs to be completed to measure 12.5".  

  1. November Meeting
Demo - Binding Think Tank (members volunteer to demo how they complete their binding)
Judy - BOM
Election of Officers
  1. December Meeting
December 21 at Primitive Gatherings
Maritza - BOM
Christmas Party will be held during the meeting - bring finger foods

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

September Meeting Minutes

   Meeting Information -Monthly Meeting  

Date:              September 21, 2017            

Location:        Primitive Gatherings, Murrieta, CA          Time: 6:30 PM         

Attendees:     13 Members, 2 Guests 

Board Members Present: Jan Prytz, Jessica Rittgarn, Colleen Molen, Angelica Jones, Susan Long
Board Member Absent: Maritza Farr

  Meeting Discussion

  1.    Jan Prytz, the President, informed the group of the following:
a.    A thanks was given to Jessica, Vice President, for leading last month's meeting.
b.  By-law changes were brought up to the members and explained that anyone who wishes to make any changes should let Jan know in writing by email the changes to rjprytz@gmail.com. If there are suggestions, we will have a special meeting of the board and interested parties to review and recommend and present the changes to everyone at a regular meeting, for voting, Any proposed changes will need to be posted on the website 2 weeks in advance. 
c. We will have 2 vacancies on the board and will be open to nominees for the following positions: Secretary and Treasurer (no nominees were made at this time so Jan asked that we all consider it until next meeting). Discussed job duties for each position and explained help would be given to those who wanted the position. 
d.  We will start planning the Christmas party for December's meeting. Dru has graciously offered Primitive Gatherings for the location of the party so we will be having it there. We will discuss next month the theme of the secret gift exchange theme for this year's party. 
e.   Interest was gauged for a pincushion swap. There seemed to be some interest so it will be discussed further at the next meeting.   
  2.    Colleen Molen, the Treasurer, talked about the success of the first sit and sew to work on the QuiltCon Charity Challenge Quilt. 
                                               i.     ACTION ITEM: Colleen Molen scheduled October 15 for a 2nd sew day at her home to continue to work on the Charity Quilt. Members present advised if they were available. Colleen will be sending an email with information on her address, fabrics to bring, etc.
  3.    Treasurer's Report - we have $854.12 in the TVMQG account.
  4.    Raffle Ticket WINNERS -
            Jan Prytz - Primitive Gatherings gift card
            Jessica Rittgarn - Victoria Findlay Wolfe Christmas Fabric
            Angelica Jones - Halloween Fat quarter trio and Hexie pack by Me+You
            Jessica Rittgarn - Me+You Fat Quarter Bundle

  Show and Tell

Attendees sharing items - 

1. Jan Prytz - made 2 doll quilts for 2 little girls her cousin nannies for. Also made a quilt of "Delectable Mountain" for the boy her cousin nannies for.
2. Susanne O'Hara - Hexi Halloween quilt
3. Susan Long - Sharon Halloway had a quilt-a-long. Used mostly scraps
4. Nancy DiLeva (guest) - quilt she made the last Saturday in a jelly roll challenge with friends.
5. Wendy Van Eman (guest) - also made a quilt in the sane jelly roll challenge. Moda quilt pattern, fabrics are "Mixology".
6. Patricia Cooper - Coffee stained fabric and embroidered witches, working on the past 2 weeks. Hanging made from a panel given to her by a friend.
7. Sue Gillaspie - made a quilt for her sister in law.
8. Jessica Rittgarn- double sided table runner. Pillow made from pieces cut from Natalie's AccuQuiltGo cutter.
9. Colleen Molen - finished a quilt top she's been piecing over the last 3 years.
10. Patti Zimmerman- mini log cabin mini quilt. Submitted it to a Curated Quilts (online mag) for a mini log cabin challenge. Started off with the hexagon pack she won from a few months ago, but ended up using another hexie pack and took a pattern and changed it a bit


  1.   Madelyn - BOM: flying geese and alternate method (instructions on blog post)
a.    ACTION ITEM: All members and guests are asked to consider completing a block and bring it to the October meeting.
  2.    Yard Sale was held by putting items near buckets that read $1, $3, $5, and more, according to its value. The guild made $102 during the yard sale. Remaining items not sold were taken back from those who had brought them in.

  Upcoming Meeting Dates/Information

1. The next meeting is at Primitive Gatherings, Murrieta, October 19th at 6:30 pm
2. The next board meeting is at 8-bit Brewery, Murrieta, November 2nd at 6:30 pm



  Upcoming Meeting and BOM presentations and BOM Construction requirements

NOTE:  The block can be made in any fabric color desired, but with a low volume background fabric. The instructions are on the TVMQG Blog. Block needs to be completed to measure 12.5". 

1.     October Meeting
               Angelica - BOM
               Magazine Challenge Due
               Board Nominations
               Paint Chip Challenge Introduced
               Linda Retton is going to demo how to make a One Block Wonder
2.     November Meeting
               Judy - BOM
               Election of Officers
3.     December Meeting
               Maritza - BOM
               Christmas Party