Thursday, March 2, 2017

February Meeting Minutes

Meeting Minutes

Meeting Information -Monthly Meeting

Date: February 16, 2017

Location: Primitive Gatherings, Murrieta, CA          Time: 6:30 PM

Attendees: 14 Members, 1 Guests

Board Members Present: Jan Prytz, Jessica Rittgarn, Maritza Farr, Colleen Molen

Meeting Discussion

  1. Jan Prytz, the President informed the group of the following:
    1. Hoffman Fabrics cancelled their presentation for today. Other guilds invited were notified.
    2. MQG sent a notice advising of discounts available to members under the Resources tab on the website. Discounts include things like movie tickets, theme parks, resorts and more.
    3. The Riley Blake Fabric Rock Star Challenge (deadline date April 30) - Jan made a quilt so she put together a fat quarter bundle to raffle off this evening as a means of fundraising. Jane Rowland was the winner of the fat quarter bundle.
    4. Retro Clean offered to come speak to us for free. Textile care and preservation.
      1. ACTION ITEM:  Members to inform Jan if they are interested in having Retro Clean come speak to the group in the future.
    5. Jan is challenging all members to create a solids quilt by the May 2017 meeting. Challenge due date was changed from March 2017 to May 2017. Quilt can be lap size or larger. Solids ONLY. Can use an existing pattern or create a pattern.
    6. Block of the month has openings for presentations after June. See Susan Long about signing up. Give Jan and/or Angelica a heads up so it can go up on our blog post. Can be an improv block, but must include a tutorial. If a tutorial doesn't exist Jan, Susan or Angelica can help with the write up.  Jan also has a list of BOM resources that already exist too, so if you are interested, please contact her.
    7. Jan would like members to bring their "oldest" quilt to the March meeting.
      1. ACTION ITEM:  Members to bring their oldest quilt to the March 16th meeting.
    8. Next Board Meeting is scheduled for March 2nd at Panera in Murrieta. All are welcome to come and see the Board in action. (Maritza advised she will be unable to attend the Board meeting.)
  2. Maritza Farr informed the group to consider submitting a charity quilt to The National Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY. She contacted them and they would love to receive a quilt from our guild. The quilt would be auctioned off and the funds used to support the museum.
      1. ACTION ITEM:  Members need to decide if a charity quilt will be sent to the National Quilt Museum in Paducah, KY.

Show and Tell

Name/ Description of Shared Item

  1. Natalie Pollard - completed a mini quilt for the MQG challenge.
  2. Taylor Darby - purse completed on an industrial machine.
  3. Linda Bretton - completed a giraffe applique quilt top.
  4. Susan Long - made a tote; baby quilt with a minky type fabric, also made a string quilt using half warm and half cool fabrics. Susan shared she won a bundle of fabric for posting most uplifting hashtag and will use fabrics for backing and blocks in our charity quilts.
  5. Jane Rowland - made a quilt and sent it to a friend undergoing chemo. Her friend posted it on FB.
  6. Kathy Lahti - made a tote from recycled textiles; a blouse and scrubs from a thrift store.
  7. Angelina Dang - made a baby quilt using half hexies to facilitate piecing.


  1. Jessica Rittgarn presented BOM pattern the Four Leaf Clover. Any variation posted on the TVMQG blog can be made. The block can be made in any fabric color desired, but with a low volume background fabric. All the measurements and instructions are on the TVMQG Blog. Jan recommends starching and pressing seams open. Jan also "trued up" block at each step. Jessica reported it can otherwise pucker. Information will be sent out via a link. Block needs to be completed to measure 12.5".  
    1. ACTION ITEM: All members and guests are asked to consider completing a block and bring it to the March meeting.
  2. All the BOM blocks for February were laid out - a total of 24 blocks were completed by members.

Upcoming Meeting Dates

Third Thursday of the month at 6:30 pm
Location: Primitive Gatherings, Murrieta, CA

Upcoming Meeting presentations

Quilt as You Go Demo by Mary to be planned for a future meeting.

BLOCK of The MONTH - future presentations are as follows:
        1. March - Jan
        2. April - Colleen
        3. May - Natalie
        4. June - Maritza

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